Available Characters Final Fantasy/ Kingdom Hearts Characters.
Other Game Characters That Are Taken are at the Bottom.
Those that Are NOT available are Bolded and linked to Profiles.
Characters are NOT Reservable. As we have as few members as we do just write up the profile and post it.
Final Fantasy VI
Terra Locke Edgar Sabin Celes Cyan Mog Gau Setzer (May have his FF6 Background before arriving in Twilight Town) Kefka
Final Fantasy VII
Zack Genesis Angeal Cloud Aeris (Aerith) Tifa Barret Cid Red XIII Cait Sith Yuffie Vincent Sephiroth Rude Reno Tseng Rufus Elena Reeve Cissnei Kunsel Hojo Lazard Hollander Kadaj Yazoo Loz Nero Shelke Rosso Shalua Rui Azul Weiss
Final Fantasy VIII (Please Read The Post Here) Squall Leonhart Laguna Kiros Ward Zell Irvine Quistis Selphie (I will allow either, teenage or adult Selphie) Seifer (I will allow either) Rinoa (She is Sane once More) Fujin (I will allow either) Ruijin (I will allow either)
Final Fantasy IX
Garnet Vivi (I will allow either, or with background from FF9) Adelbert Freya Zidane
Final Fantasy X
Tidus Yuna Wakka Paine Auron Rikku (With background from 10 or without, though Auron I would personally like to see played with his FF background included.) Kimahri Ronso Lulu Seymour