· In order to role-play, you must first join the forum. It is not allowed to role-play without an account.
· You must have played (Or watched) Kingdom Hearts (2 in the least). If you wish to play a canon character from a Kingdom Hearts.If you wish to play a character from Final Fantasy You must have beaten or nearly beaten the game that character comes from originally as well as Kingdom Hearts (At least 2.)
· You must be 16. This Board is MATURE rated.
· You must wait for your profile to be accepted before you may role-play. If you do not wait, you will be warned. If you are warned more than two times, you may be banned.
· If your profile is declined, you have four-six days to edit it, before we lock it and delete it. Your profile may also be declined and deleted, you may ask the reason through a Pm.
·First Week Activity. If you have joined and do not post even a Hello within a week of joining your account shall be deleted.
· Monthly Activity Checks/InActivity. Once a month their shall be an activity check. If you do not at least post in the activity check thread (Posted in The Good Of The People) you will be BOOTED. Posting amount is up to you but if complaints are heard because a popular character is very inactive action may be taken as well.
Board Rules
Section 1: Member Conduct
--Member Conduct: Harassment, impersonation of someone else, or flame wars will not be tolerated. Have maturity, this is an adult board where all members are 16+. This is not to say the site is censored, but we do not have fun at peoples expense!
-- Respect other members: Bashing of members/admin/mods is not allowed!
--Harassment via PM: This will not be tolerated. You get one warning, and this is it. If you harass any member via PM, you will be banned. Period.
--Harassment in other areas of the forum: Don't do it, you will be banned. We don't expect rainbows and sunshine here all the time, but anyone who flames, trolls, harasses or goes out of their way to make another member unhappy will be banned. I don't want that kind of crap here.
--Each person can only create and use ONE Account: Though we haven't needed this rule in the past, we are beginning to see a need for it now. Only one account per person. This means no accounts for your secondary or third characters. If you live with or share a computer with someone who also has a an account, it would be a very good idea to PM the admin and let us know. Understand that should problems arise from one of those accounts, all accounts sharing an IP may be subject to being warned or banned.
--Deleting one account and creating a new one: We can see what you did there. It still counts as multiple accounts, and any and all warnings incurred by the old account still stand. Banning of the new account may or may not occur at the discretion of the mods.
Section 2: General Rules for the Forum
-- Signature/Avvie size: You will be free to have a Picture in your Signature if you wish, as long as it's under 450x275. Avatar no bigger then 150x150. If a staff member tells you to resize you signature, then do it right away. Same goes for Avatar size, you will be asked to resize if to large.
-- Random Silliness: Has a place of it's own 'Oh the Life'. You can post just about anything there and mods won't even try to keep it on topic. We are also not going to moderate those threads. Even so, please do not post advertisement spam or real porn type stuff. I don't believe in censorship, but I also believe that there is a proper place for porn and even the spam forum is not it.
Section 3: Over All Posting Guidelines
-- ChatSpeak: Don't use chat or nonstandard text speak: Please confine your posts to regular English. Chatspeak is annoying and can be a pain to read. Do not use extra letters or symbols. (Their are a few exceptions to this - lol, omg, g2g.)
-- Proper Grammar/Spelling: Try to have proper grammar and spelling. We understand that its hard to spell certain words and remember certain rules for English, but a basic understanding of the language is called for. If you are concerned please check out Zexion's Handy Dandy Guide to Basic Grammar
--Post formatting: Please don't use bright colours or large font sizes to try to make your post "stand out". It is annoying to other members, and it "stands out" in a very negative way.
-- CAPSLOCK: Don't do it! An entire sentence does not need to be capitalised. This is viewed as yelling/screaming on the internet and is inappropriate/rude.
--Posting in Old Threads: Threads that have been inactive for a month or longer are considered closed, if you wish to join them please contact a person who was posting in that thread.
-- Private Threads: If a thread in the title is between two characters, or just happens to be between two characters for an extended amount of time have the courtesy to pm one of them to ask if you can join!
-- Posting in Long Developed Threads - If a thread is 50+ posts (Onto it's second page) please read through the Entire thread before thinking of joining!
Section 4: Role Playing Guidelines
-- Literacy Expectations: Posting in any Role Playing Boards, one lining will not be tolerated. These boards are semi literate to literate level.
If the creator of a thread has a specific posting minimum in the thread, this must be abided. If you do not want or think you can keep to that minimum we ask you to politely leave the thread alone and join another instead (or even start one yourself!)
-- Violence/Romance/Others: As a Mature Board their are little limits. With this comes the need for warnings in summaries before posts however. If a thread is going to delve into or does eventually delve into topics listed as Allowed then you must post warnings. (Even if it does half through a thread, the warnings must be stated in a summery before the first post).
If warnings are not stated the thread will be locked and you shall be contacted to add them in summery. If not done in a week the thread shall be deleted (Or offending posts deleted if the thread is longer.) If you are Not Admin/Mods you will not be able to put these warnings in yourself if the thread is over a few days old. Contact Admin, LionHeart to put in the Warnings For you!
The Following are Allowed Bloodplay Bondage Het Humiliation Master-Slave Masturbation Mpreg Multiple Partners Non-consensual (Both Players must know before hand!) Sadism/Masochism Strangulation/Asphyxiation Yaoi Yuri The Following are Not Allowed!
Necrophilia of any kind (Guro included) Vore Watersports/Golden Showers
Anything you would suggest or are concerned about contact mods before posting it!
--Character placement: Three thread max per Character!
Hushed Hushed Threads do not count, please consider if a thread is made to be between two specific characters placing it in Hushed Hushed! OOC threads do not count toward this limit either.
-- Character limitations: Each person is allowed one made up, and one Canon when you join. If you wish to play another, especially a Canon please contact LionHeart. This does not mean you wont be allowed but this is privilege given when you show you can be active enough for that many characters.
If a player can not adequately play or post as a secondary canon character in a probationary period of 2 weeks, that character may be freed up for another to play.
Absolute max of characters is 3 per player!
-- Reservation of Characters: If the character you want is not taken and you wish to reserve it, please consider trying to just apply for it with an application first. We currently are a small community. But if the application will take a while then contact the Admin about reserving. You can ONLY reserve for one week.
-- Timeline threads: Timeline threads (Example During Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, FF8, KH1, KH2) Anything before the end of KH2 is allowed to be posted and played through. Final Fantasy games included. Though the time and place of the thread must be explained in the summery before the post.
Also if the thread creator wishes only those who could have really been in the time and place of the thread to post in that post respect this and move on to another!
Section 5: Godmodding/All Knowingism
-- Controlled character Actions: If any characters take control of outcomes or actions of another without consent this will be considered Godmoding and I do not take this lightly.
-- I know You, I've Seen You Before!: Knowing another character in another thread because you had met them in a previous (and this thread is not a continuation of the last) is considered godmoding. Of course this does not apply if you have meet the character in canon or both players agree to this.
-- All Knowing (Player Knowlege, Not Character Knowledge!): Your character having foreboding knowledge of the plot, or important events to come without any reason for this will be considered Godmoding.
If any of these rules are broken, you will get a warning. If you do not correct what has been done wrong after three warnings then you will be banned.
-- Edited by LionHeart on Wednesday 8th of July 2009 10:25:57 PM
-- Edited by LionHeart on Wednesday 8th of July 2009 11:22:07 PM