Kadaj stepped through the huge door that led to a large, bombastic building with huge statues and another huge door. Raising his brow a bit, he walked up to the door, pushing it open. A little goat man stood inside, polishing a trophy. The man turned when he appeared, grumbling at him to get lost as the building was a place for heroes, he trailed off when he caught full sight of Kadaj, just staring at him for a few seconds before calling him familiar.
"Well, I've never met a goatman before, so maybe you're mistaken, good sir." He said with an arrogant smirk, watching the creature flail, before he realized something. Perhaps Yazoo or Loz were on this world, or had been on this world recently. "But..."
He began, cutting the goatman off from his introduction. Apparently his name was Philoctetes, called Phil for short. "Perhaps you are talking about one of my older brothers? We closely resemble one another."
The little goatman paused, thinking for a second, before he apparently came to a realization. He asked if Kadaj was Sephiroth's younger brother. The boy's eyes widened, unable to stop his heart from beating wildly.
"Seph...Sephiroth is in this world?" He asked, trying to stop his voice from trembling. The man, along with Jenova, had caused his death, after all. Could anyone really blame him? The little goatman gazed at him suspiciously, before nodding slightly, telling him that the silver haired general was on the planet, and had fought in the tournament previously. Kadaj's mouth tightened just slightly, thinking, and the goatman left him to it. "This isn't necessarily a bad thing. If he was on this world, and I am on it now, then perhaps Yazoo and Loz will come to it. Maybe even big brother will."
That thought calmed him down, if only slightly. Besides, while he was on a world of tournaments, he might as well prove that he was better than Sephiroth. Kadaj grinned widely.
Reno had decided this planet look rather interesting and after his curiosity was piqued that was no stopping him. He had to discover its secrets, the lies and the truth about the place. It was new, interesting and intruiging. Each and every planet was so different from the next that he could spend ages wandering around them all. As long as it wasn't Atlantica. Reno shuddered. He hadn't appreciated that transformation one little bit. Why oh why couldn't he have at least been a merman? He wouldn't despise the place quite so much if that had happened. Still too happy, too much singing and dancing and....yuck. Singing and dancing are good yes. Just not their kind. Definately not.
This world was dry. Reno found himself missing plants and even flowers which he never particularly cared for. Grass was nice. Why couldn't there be any grass? It wasn't much, it was simple....a different colour. There was too much yellow. His gummi had a lot of yellow - bright, garish and attention seeking. What he wouldn't do for a model that was more tasteful, more subtle more sleek and cool. Motorbikes! He sure did miss those motorbikes.
So far there didn't seem to be anyone around so Reno kept on walking in the same direction hoping to bump into someone...anything...there was no animals around either. It seemed deserted but so had Hollow....Radiant Garden at first.
Kadaj was had decided to take a step outside in the desert-looking land again, if only because, Sephiroth's "brother" or not, the goatman was ignoring him. He was surprised, however, when he caught a familiar flash of red. It was one of the Turks who had helped his big brother. He found himself smiling widely, much like the chesire cat.
He stalked towards the redhead silently, like a cat. "Hello, Turk."
Holy Hell! In all this sacred in beloved this was not good! Gaia, Gaia, Gaia. Boy did he wish he was back home now....heck even Atlantica would be better than this! Atlantica! With the singing and the dancing! Or being faced by a Remnant of Sephiroth who beat the cr*p out of you - that really hurt yo - attacked your boss...and Cloud, stole the kiddies...hmmm he wondered which one he'd pick.
Torture by pain, or torture by the overy sweet and happy? Actually Reno wasn't quite sure which one he'd rather.
Despite being freaked out and panicky all the Ex-Turk allowed himself to show was anger. He and his brothers tortured Tseng and Elena to near death; they wouldn't even mention it. Reno wasn't sure if they spoke of it to each other. The only information anyone had gotten was that it certainly wasn't pleasant and Tseng was a seasoned Turk. This...man... caused greated pain to his friends, his family, made Rufus ill. Forgiveness wasn't someone Reno was good at but that didn't mean he blamed the kid. Was it really his fault if Jenova had screwed with his head? And he guessed Hojo was well.
...Hmph. He still didnt' it. He didn't seem to be fighting anything. It was all mother, mother, mother jeese, get a grip already. Kadaj had nearly succeeded in destoying his world. Reno had rather liked it intact.
"Ex-Turk. Haven't been one for a while now," Reno countered. Once a Turk always a Turk. It was the only thing he knew really. He wasn't good for anything else.
"Alright then, ex-Turk. You look kinda mad," He gave the redhead a fake pout. "Is it because you don't want to see me? Or are you just surprised?"
He actually had an idea why the man was mad, but it was too funny to really care. Besides, he could protect himself if it came down to it, not that he wanted to have to. One of his major goals was getting everyone he'd messed with under Jenova's influence to forgive him.
Kinda mad? Kinda mad!? Was he kidding? Of course he was kinda mad. Kinda mad didn't cover it. He was livid.
Damn he wished he could hit him but he wasn't that suicidal...yet. Rude always said his impulsive behaviour and fiery temper would get the better of him. No wait...that was Tseng and Rufus. Reckless and suicidal behaviour and what not always ticked Chief-man off. Seriously though, what was so bad about taking a few risks .... which sometimes may or may end up in death? They had worked hadn't they? He was still here.
Reno made a first but did nothing. Kind of mad...puh! He raised an eyebrow. "Take a guess Martian Man. Surprised? Guess not when you think about it. It makes sense," The entire world was swallowed, The River of Life too. It was entirely possible Kadaj could have been taken from it. The dark little Remanant swallowed by the darkness...hardly surprising really.
He put his finger to his chin in a mock-thoughtful pose, wondering if he could anger the other man so much that he'd match his vibrant hair.
"Hmm, from the way your tone is so touchy, I'm gonna say yes," He smiled mischeviously. Then he blinked in regards to the other comment. "Ah, so everyone is disappearing to different worlds. That's a relief. I wouldn't want my brothers dead again."
He emphasized the last word, giving the redhead a pointed glare. After all, he knew it was the man before him and his bald friend who had killed his brothers, not that it mattered so much, since all three were reunited in Lifestream.
Was he supposed to care? Was that little emphasis and glare supposed to affect him in any way? Reno didn't care. It didn't bother him at all. He had done worse than kill a couple of young teenagers who were attemtping to destroy the planet and probably use it as a surf board or something. He took down Sector 7, killed kiddies, tortured people, beat them to a pulp, done horrible things and he was supposed to care that he bombed a couple of nutters? Who was Kadaj kidding?
Reno looked non phased and apathetic. Technically it had been Rude since it was his bombs they used....let's leave out him being the commanding officer at the scene and all. Anyway, it didn't make much sense to him. Why was only Kadaj required to make Sephiroth when they were all remnants of him but couldn't die until they all had? Reno would bet even Hojo couldn't explain away that one.
Kadaj blinked at the bland expression, and then abruptly began to laugh, so hard the he could barely breath and had to grab his ribs.
"You're funny," He told the ex-Turk finally, wiping some tears away from the corners of his eyes. "I guess I didn't really have a point, except that I hope you don't do it again."
He gave the other man a sideways glance. "Not that I think you can. It must have been a fluke the first time."
He wondered if he could provoke the other man into a fight, though that would probably be a bad idea. He could probably get some answers out of him if he didn't.
Rational - though Reno seldom listened - told him that he shut let that one slide, to ignore the jibe and live another day but he ignored it. He was better than people gave him credit for and although not as good as Choco-head or Remanant Boy here, he was still outstanding. Why did no one take into account he was quite a bit older than them with significantly less Mako...and no Jenova cells huh? Why did everyone have to overlook that fact? It was completely infuriating. Underestimation was fantastic but being completely written of boiled his blood. For a Turk he sure did run by his emotions an awful lot.
Reno cast a Bolt and Fire 3 at him in irritation and anger. It was an odd choice for a Turk who pratically never use magic except in training to build up tolerance. He felt like being different. When they appeared they got lucky buy getting those Materia but he'd been using them far longer. Gotta loved the Mastered stuff.
Kadaj leapt aside, completely dodging the attack, and pulled out Souba.
"Hey, that's not fair, I'm almost defenseless," He said with a pout, ignoring the part of him that figured that even without Souba, he was rarely defenseless. "You don't exactly get a prime choice of materia in Lifestream, you know, and I haven't exactly had achance to explore these worlds."
He thrust Souba out towards the ex-Turk, knowing that, if the man didn't dodge, he'd have no way to block it either.
Reno had expected that attack and managed to dodge and swing his EMR at his head knowing he was unlike to get another shot. He had some experience fighting with Cloud whether it be when they were enemies or if he'd pushed his buttons one too many times but then he didn't feel that Cloud would actually kill him. He fitted into the not-worth-my-time-and-effort-category. Besides it wouldn't do to eliminate the annoying but sometimes handy help. Providing that Rufus agreed of course.
"You defenceless?" Reno asked increduously. "Don't make me laugh. That's like saying Hojo didn't really mean to do what he did," Boy did he hate Hojo. Weirdo. Heideigger, Scarlet. The only Exec. he didn't mind was Reeve. Reeve always had been too nice for ShinRa. The WRO proved that.
Kadaj swooped down to the ground to duck out of the hit, laughing all the while. To be honest, he was enjoying himself, finding it a lot more enjoyable than his fight with the heartless. He hoped the fight would lead up to things being broken, so the little goatman could get angry.
"Thanks for the compliment," He said with a smile, before grimacing, thrusting out his left fist and aiming for the man's cheek. "Though I don't like being compared with Hojo. Seriously, I'm better than that, at the very least."
He didn't like the scientist. The man had always ordered him and his brothers around, and Kadaj preferred it the other way around.
Reno glared at him. He really didn't like this kid. He was better, stronger, younger. He reminded him that he was getting old. He was knocked to the ground by Kadaj's left fist, picking himself up again and hiding a wince at the pain. There was gonna be one helluva bruise there soon, if not a fracture of some kind.
Another knock to the head. Exactly what he needed.
"Who would like Hojo?" Reno asked. What was there to like. "He always looked like he wanted to try his sick ass stuff on me. I just stayed the hell away from him. Mind you, he looked like that at everyone,"
It felt good. Anger replaced the loneliness and the sorrow morphing it into rage and that into power and strength, speed and agility. He was gonna lose this fight - whether it be by a few broken bones, severe injury or death - Reno knew he was never going to win. The only one to defeat Sephiroth was Cloud and Kadaj was as close as you could get to the real thing. He kicked, long range and round house, following with a pendulum kick and a right hook. "Pick fights with everyone you meet or us it just us Gaians?"
Kadaj snorted at the comment about Hojo, and the distraction was just enough for him to get kicked in the side, falling to the ground before picking himself up. He glared.
"Well, he actually did some sick stuff to me, you know," But then he laughed. "That's an unfair comment. Or need I remind you that you were the one who threw the first hit."
He brushed himself off, giving Reno an innocent look. "Would you believe I'm actually happy to see you? It's better than goatman in there, comparing me to my stupid 'big brother,' Sephiroth."
Reno growled. "You provoked me!" It was more like an accuastion than a statement. He so wasn't taking the blame for this one. He could keep his emotions in check if he really felt like it but it was a lot of effort. too much time spent on that when he could be doing other more interesting things. Like beating someone up!
Reno smirked. "Awww you lonely? Why should I believe anything you say?" Kadaj did after try to kill the entire planet, but first Cloud and terrorized Edge for no apparant reason. Not that terrorizing wasn't fun but he and the Turks would be the one to do it, not Remnants or Deep Ground. "You're just like your brother then aren't ya?" He muttered.
Kadaj was hot, very, but there was that annoying little detail of hating his guts. That and he hid most of his face. perhaps in a twisted way he's kinda shy or he's just backwards coward who doesn't want to look in your eyes. Mother this, mother that....get over it. Mothers aren't that great anyways, Reno thought to himself.
Kadaj scowled, glaring at the ex-Turk with vivid green eyes.
"I'm not lonely, and I'm nothing like Sephiroth," He said the last word in disgust, frown deepening. "Besides, how did I provoke you? All I did was say that you only won against my brothers because of a fluke. And you have to admit, you didn't exactly do it fairly. An explosive, was that really necessary?"
He stepped back, taking a liesurely seat on the steps of the coliseum, looking unthreatened. Although he didn't show it, he was still upset about the Sephiroth comment, and couldn't keep the slight pout off his face.
Ohooooo! Was that a nerve he had touched? The cold hearted Kadaj had some buttons to press. This would be really fun and his death would be quite cool too. Perhaps this was why he was glad to see him, so he could exacte revenge on his brothers murderer.
He was actually pouting.
A wicked grin passed across Reno's face. Whipping out his mobible - the gummi had capabilities to charge its battery - and took a quick picture. That was too good not to capture. "You look cute when you pout," Reno said not really meaning that was a compliment. He may look as though he had let his guard down, the careless posture, the relaxed nature but he was aware of every move the other made. If he twitched, Reno would know.
Reno shrugged at Kadaj's question. For a killer himself he didn't exactly understand the whole not giving a damn and desire to cause destruction and for it to be cool. "Fireworks rock, zo to. All those reds and greens and blues...did you not want them to go out with a bang?"
Kadaj blinked when he realized what happened, eyes wide, before they narrowed.
"And I bet you look cute dead," He snarled, sitting up, but forced himself to calm down. He blinked at Reno's next comment. Go out with a bang---and then he got it. He smiled.
"I'd kind of prefer if they didn't have to 'go out' at all, but," He paused, smiling, and gave Reno a sideways glance. "That was kind of funny, I have to admit. And you did me a favor, whether you knew it at the time or not. I was pretty much dying when you killed them, so we got to be together in Lifestream, at least."
He gave the other man a cheshire-cat grin.
"Thank you, ex-Turk." he finished with an exaggeratedly grateful smile, and a bombastic half-bow at the waist.
Oh God. Rude said that to him once. They so are not alike! Reno was warring with himself with that thought. He didn't want to be like that...thing!
"Naaah. I just look rather pale and sickly," Reno said about the whole dead thing. Elena - she had been the newbie then - had snapped a picture of him whilst recovering from greivious injuries. It hadn't been a good start to their relationship but they recovered nicely. She still was the funnest to tease the hell out of.
Eh? OK now he was confused. Oh yay! Let's all go to the Life Stream together! Who thinks that? Then Reno recalled that this wa s Kadaj and some things only make sense to him and him alone.
"You're welcome.... I think." Reno said . "Freak of nature," he added in a mutter. "It was the least I could do," Man he really should have thanked Valentine for saving Tseng and Elena. He had never bothered though.
"I would like you to remember that we former remnants still have our superior sense of hearing, along with everything else," Then he shrugged his shoulders back, looking less tense. He gave the ex-Turk a genuine smile. "You know, I kind of like you now that you aren't planning to ruin my Reunion. You're very amusing."
He supposed it could be taken as an insult, but he didn't really mean it that way. After all, Cloud was amusing, too, but for entirely different reasons.
Reno blinked taken aback. That smile...it was...real. Reno guessed he didn't think Kadaj was capable of such a feat. He was all evil glares and smirks with promises of torture, pain and slow agonising death.
"Amusing how?" Reno asked curious. It wouldn't be the first time it was meant in the connotation he thought it did. People rarely took him seriously and he was thankful for the havoc that allowed him to wreak because they thought him completely incompetant and stupid. There's a difference between being stupid and not knowing anything.
The bodyguard without a boss found himself softening to the young lad and loathed the possiblity he didn't hate him quite as much as he thought he did. He still set a fire burning through his veins and a rage coursing through him but the fact there seemed to be more to him made him stop. Something a teeny bit human.
Kadaj thought about how to answer the question, pressing a finger to his chin thoughtfully.
"I guess it's because...what you say is unkind, I know, but the way you say it makes it more funny than angering. I find myself laughing, though I know I shouldn't since you are talking about killing my brothers," He paused, a mischievious smile lighting up his face. "Plus, hair that bright can't be anything but amusing. I mean, seriously, people think silver is strange on Gaia, but I bet you turn a few heads."
He laughed. "I thought you dumped paint all over yourself at first glance, and I bet I'm not the only one."
He fluttered his eyelashes in false docileness. "Now that I've complimented you," He wasn't even going to pause and consider that it might have been taken as an insult. "What do you think are my good graces."
He wasn't expecting much, really, but it would be amusing to hear what the other had to say, negative or not, and really, after all the peaceful boredom of Lifestream, which a part of him did enjoy, it was nice to have a bit of rough amusement.
Reno knew he should probably he offended by that since his aim was to annoy the bugger but he settled for being thankful his guts weren't spread all over the joint.
Wait...was he insulting his hair? What was wrong with his hair man! It's not even dyed! His hair rocked! He was unique. Who can't take someone seriously because of red hair? Reno copes perfectly fine with Cloud's darn good impression of a Chocobo. Apparantly no one else could see the startling resembles to the annoying bird that quarks and quakes and runs away - but only when you actually want to catch one. Reno could kiss who ever discovered Gyshal Greens. Hmmmm....may be not. Just kiss the gyshal greens instead.
Paint!? Yeah well...at least I'm not monotone. Oh yay cool. Big sophisticated word! If only I had someone to tell... Reno thought whilst glaring at him.
"Your eyes," He said simply. "But you cover most of your face with your thin, feeble hair so it's difficult to tell really,"
"My hair is not feeble and thin!" Defensively, he swiped said hair back with a gloved hand. It felt nice enough, though he had to admit that Yazoo's was probably better. "And I do not....okay, I do, but well, it's hard to keep up. My hair, I mean. My bangs are too long to hold back, unless I did something girly like wearing a clip, or putting it into a pony tail."
He emphasized the word girly, giving Reno a pointed look. Then he smirked. "But thanks for the compliment, anyway."
YAS! Score! Reno grinned. He had succeeded in making the Almighty Remnant flustered. He wondered how long - if it would occur to him at all - that he just explained himself to a lowly little Gaian. An Ex-Turk no less. It was priceless.
Mental note: is sensitive about the hair. Wonder how long it took to pick that style.
"Your hair is girlier than mine. Have you looked in a mirror?" Reno asked. Of course he kept it in a clip. It would get in the way otherwise - and he'd look girly then. Plus Tseng had his in a proper pony which was scraped back and stretched his forhead. Reno always figured it must be the cause of those constant headaches he always gets.
Kadaj's hair was thin, silky, short floated like a girls. Ooooohhh dear. Hair sensitivity here too it seemed. Hmph. It wasn't like he was about to tell Kadaj that though. Despite what people thought he conditioned his hair and it had a mind of its own. "Silver heads may be rare but Red heads are even rarer. Are you done insulting me dear Silver Fish?"
Kadaj grumbled, pouting his lower lip. His cheeks puffed out just slightly in anger, as verdant eyes narrowed. He was currently making a fool of himself, that he knew, but he was unused to socializing with other people.
"My hair is not girly," He finally said, after a long pause. Then he flushed, realizing he just sounded like an immature child, re-iterating everything. He paused, trying to bring down the redness in his face, and took a deep breath, smirking. "You have no idea how many people have told me how sexy my hair is. You know, until they realized I was trying to get rid of the human race. That usually puts a damper on relationships."
He leaned back, observing Reno, and ran an unconscious hand down the blade of Souba's body. He paused, then gave a slightly sheepish smile.
"Yeah, I guess I'm done insulting you, though I don't appreciate the fish comment," He wrinkled his nose. "Fish smell, you know."
Reno grinned. Awwww shucks. He's cute when he's angry. It was impossibly easy to rile the guy too. Who knew the Big Bad would take seconds to rile. Dude needs to Chillax man... Seconds! Mere seconds. Oh boy this was good stuff. Must get the vanity from Sephy-boy - him and his long flowing silver hair, immaculate clothing and really long shiny sword. Perhaps he was making....nope. Don't go there. "Who you tryin' to convince. Me, or you?"
"It's not a fish, zo to," Reno stuck his tongue out at him. The Ex-Turk of course was famous for being childish despite his age (older than most people figured - usually guessing around 22 to 24). Hey, he never had a childhood growing up so he was just making up for lost time. And what was so great about being serious anyway? Sucked the fun out of everything.
Kadaj was conceeding. Did he even realise he was giving up? Reno often had that effect on people. He was jsut glad it hadn't gone the other way, as it occasionally does, and Kadaj hadn't tried to cut his tongue out for something weird. They had almost succeeded but that preson was weird.
Kadaj blinked in surprise. Had the redhaired man just stuck his tongue out at him. He huffed.
"You're so childish," He said in a snooty, patronizing voice, ignoring the fact that he, himself, had been called everything from childish to melodramatic. Could he help the fact that life was boring and he was just trying to spice it up? He paused, thinking, then figured he should get back on task. "So...have you seen my brothers, or Cloud?"
He knew the information would, most likely, be difficult to get out of the man. After all, they'd been enemies not long ago, and still probably were. He gave the man an innocent smile, trying to win him over with mesmerizing green eyes.
Reno shrugged. He wasn't particularly bothered by the comment. It was more embarrassing - and he hated to admit, slightly endearing - that kadaj was behaving like a kid himself and then trying to deny it. Silly young muderous teen.
Pfffftttt. Did he look stupid? No, dont' answer that.
Just because he said he liked his pretty green eyes didn't mean he was gonna spill the beans by lookin' at them. Jeeze. He wasn't that easy, you know? Well....Okay that depends but he knew how to play hard to get. Plus Reno was still a Turk at heart and Turks don't give up the goose.
"Maybe," Reno said slyly. "And so what if I have? What's it to ya?" Cloud was more like a friend anyway. He'd never tell the SOLDIER that but he did like him, he always had, and there was no reason to tell Kadaj anything. They were allies, and he protected allies. At least until threatened with certain death then it would only be the Turks and Rufus he'd die for.
Kadaj's nice eyes died down when Reno refused him. He glared. How dare the ex-Turk refuse him.
"Well, obviously I'm looking for them. I have a right to know, at least, if you've seen my brothers, you know?" He narrowed his eyes, cooling his features. "Besides," He leaned back, looking like a relaxed cat. "Maybe I have some information about a certain president to share, if you give me what I want? Said president may or may not be dead, depending on how you answer."
He could get information out of people, too. After all, that was how he'd gotten Jenova's whereabouts out of Reno's fellow ex-Turks. Though the blonde girl had been fiercer than the man. She'd actually bitten Loz's arm in an effort to get away. He smirked, thinking of how his older brother had cried.
Rufus? Reno was oh so lonely without them. They were the only family he had ever had. Although they were disfunctional they cared, watched each others back. They nursed Rufus through Geostigma and helped him when he got down. It was horrible to see him look in the mirror and know he didn't like what he saw. Other days it wasn't so bad. Contrary to popular belief he had quite a high tolerance level since he did put up with Reno for all these years.
Depending on how he answered? What the heck did that mean? All it told Reno was either way he was lying or didn't know. He may be blowing his only chance of finding them but he could look on his own. He was trained to withstand questioning all kinds of interrogation. He had an iron will and determination to match. Besides, can't tell what you don't know.
Reno smiled as if swayed by his persuasions. "Actually no. Think I prefer you separated,"
Kadaj sighed, taking a seat on the steps of the coliseum.
"I'm not going to kill them, you know, so you can tell me," He gave an exasperated sigh, looking at Reno as if he was in the wrong. "Besides, don't you think I have a right to know where my own brothers are? I'm not keeping you from your family!"
He offered Reno a fierce glare, but then it softened slightly.
"Do you at least know where moth--er, Aerith is?" He flushed slightly, unable to break away from the bad habit of calling the Ancient woman mother. He leaned forward just slightly. "If you tell me that, if I do find your friends, I'll tell them where to find you. Better yet, I won't kill them. Though I promise nothing."
He realized that threats, especially to someone who was used to them, were probably inaffective, but bad habits died hard, right?
Reno softened at the mention of Aerith. He always did have a soft spot for her along with Tseng. It was difficult not to. Like Zack you just had to like her. Everyone who met them did. In fact, for a month Reno was in such a good mood he had taken to calling Zack Fair, Puppy no matter the situation just to see what would happen. Shame he had to die and Reno had to kidnap her and ship her of to the crazy assed psycho.
Family. Reno missed them. Although they were tough they had been kind too, in their own way. At least he hadn't tried to threaten his mother or father - he would have just laughed at that.
It had irked him that he threatened the other Turks but Kadaj had given himself away. "Ha! I knew it! You have no idea where anyone is do you?" Reno cried triumphantly and grinned. If he was going to threaten him, his family and his allies then he wasn't going to make getting 'I don't know' out of him that simple.
Kadaj flushed, worrying his lower lip as he glared valiantly at Reno.
"Okay, maybe I don't know, but then, I'm pretty sure you don't either,since you're wandering around all alone, so we're even, right?" He started to laugh, the sound abrupt and random in the otherwise tense air. "We're both idiots, stuck alone on random worlds without anyone we know around!"
Most people didn't call themselves idiots, and it was a serious matter, but he couldn't help but laugh. Moodswings? Yes, please. He wiped his eyes and offered the redhead smirked. "Am I right?"
He knew he was, needed no confirmation, but it would still be nice to know. Then again, there was the off chance that Reno really did know, and actually wanted to wander around alone. That would make things complicated.
Reno grinned at Kadaj acting like a petulant child which he supposed he was. He was young, violent and thought he knew the world but how could he? He didn't seem to have ever lived in it. "You're sure, are you?"
Kadaj had wanted to destroy a world, Reno concluded, that he had never lived in properly. He supposed it was easier that way. Much easier to kill a stranger, to betray them than someone who know and cherish. Genocide came so easily to them but that was no surprise. Hojo had paid them a visit after all.
He eyes him warily. Why was he laughing. sure Reno laughed for no reason but then he wasn't about to attack himself. Was Kadaj trying to put him off? It's an odd tactic. "Perhaps getting to know how to communicate with people rather than slicing and dicing them will do you some good," Reno said. It wasn't Reno himself didn't know how it was just he felt it took to look and was rather boring. He felt a bit useless with no orders to follow, no deadlines to meet but he liked wandering around. It was fun and interesting. This encounter certainly was interesting.
"Yes, I'm sure," He snapped, glaring at Reno's comments. "It's not like I'm ignorant. You're like me...kind of. I'm never without my brothers, if at all possible, and you're never without your fellow ex-Turks."
He made air quotes with his fingers, while saying ex-Turks, then paused. "Or at least that one bald Turk who was with you the whole time." He glared again at Reno's next comment.
"I know how to communicate. I'm communicating with you right now, aren't I?" What did communicating entail, anyway? As long as he could communicate with his sword, did anything else matter?
Reno shrugged not giving anything away. No way was he bringing Rude into this. "We work together," Sheltered - at least he wasn't exposed to the ways of Gaia. It was sad. Everyone else knew Turks worked in pairs and on the rare occaions teams. That was before they were all killed off though. Only three of them had survived everything that was thrown at them and they managed to pull Elena through the thick of the Crisis.
"I mean with words dufus. You know, without antagonising. I bet there's a whole load you don't know. You just told me that, though you might not realise it. Never gotten information without being threatening dude?" Reno asked looking at him hard. "It's all about blood?" Reno has violent - he liked it, thrived on it sometimes but there was more than one way to skin a cat. Rufus was teaching them that sometimes conceeding, that the gentle approach could be just as effective. He'd done gentle many times before since undercover situations called for it. Seemed Rufus had finally decided to work on Reno's tact after the incident with asking Cloud to work for him for a time. Reno sure stuffed that one up. "Have you never tried to be friends with someone?"
Was it all about the blood? Kadaj paused, face becoming blank as he thought about it. Blood was all he was used to, ever since he was a small kid. Hojo and all the other scientists had wanted he and his siblings to toughen up.
"I..." He paused, not wanting to sound stupid. His face turned dark red, as he let his hair completely cover his face. "I didn't even know about the word friend until recently, okay. It's not like you can make long lasting relationships with scientists who want to cut you open...and it's also kind of hard trying to concentrate on anything but the voices in my head, when I finally got out of the lab."
He ran a sheepish hand through his hair, scowling.
"I guess it isn't all about the blood, for other people. But it's pretty much all I know...so can we just drop it?!" His face probably rivaled Reno's hair, by now. Geez, it was so embarrassing talking about human things. Could he help it that he didn't know things most people did?
Reno nodded. It was true. Reno had ran in the other direction whenever he had heard Hojo was in the vicinity and if he ever saw the guy his weapon would be in hand. He had always had the suspicious feeling that those Mako shots weren't the only thing he gave him since he was pretty out of it afterwords. Those blasted migraines would never stop.
Kadaj was an interesting creature. He wasn't human but no one knew what he was. What would he have been had he not been tampered with. His scars probably ran deep in his mind just like Reno's did. HOw much did he actually remember of his tiem in the labs? All of it? The worst? glimpses? Reno remebered everything about his life despite his best efforts.
He was cute when he was flustered. REno hated that he pitied him now, that he felt sorry for him. He didn't want to. "Perhaps you should learn then. Learn something about the civiliations you wish to destroy. Blood may drive you but it doesn't have to be all you know. And since it is, you are ignorant. You would destroy us without hesitation, not even understanding what you were demolishing. Your empty even without your precious brothers then. If your purpose was to destroy Gaia what are you gonna do now? Start somewhere new?" Reno asked contemptuously. The Turks were hardly better - the murder, death, espionage, violence. The blood drove him to but it wasn't all he was. He hid that about himself, letting people believe that blood was what mattered, to make people hurt and scream. He kept it to himself, but Reno also liked to make people smile. He had to be useful for something. People had to appreciate him or his awful parents were right all along.
Kadaj glanced up at Reno through his curtain of hair, worrying his lip. It wasn't easy to change, he knew, and he wasn't even so sure if he was capable of doing it. He took a deep breath.
"What if I told you that, this time, I'm not trying to hurt anyone or kill anything? That I'm just looking for my brothers because they're my brothers. Would that count as the new start you're talking about?" He stared up at the golden sky, face blank. "Though I'm not really sure what to do after that. I mean, I'm not really good for much else save combat."
It didn't really matter to him what Reno thought--or at least that's what he told himself--but he wasn't lying. He didn't know about this new start, but he didn't want to fight this time. He didn't want big brother to hate him this time, if at all possible.
Reno raised a fine eyebrow. "You don't try to hurt people KD. You do it naturally. It's not like you forced yourself or anything," Was Reno bothered about killing? He couldn't say he was. Did he love his job? Yes he did. After all, he was only getting paid to basically do what he'd do on the street - it was just bigger in the scale of things. "You're supposed to try not to hurt anyone," His tone was condescending. He thought that was obvious anyway - Kadaj had totally gotten it the wrong way around. He had so much to learn.
"Apparantly it's not that difficult. Rufus managed to do it easily enough," Reno commented. "Mind you, you did poison him," That wheelchair was only partly for show. Rufus ShinRa's Geostigma was more advanced than Cloud's. Sometimes, he really did need the support the wheelchair provided. Damn he was going soft. Why was he giving him tidbits of advice? He couldn't stand the guy.
You don't try to hurt people. Kadaj blinked, turning that over and over in his head until he almost felt dizzy. He frowned, still thinking.
"I don't get it," He told Reno finally, looking up at him in confusion. "Doesn't killing someone require expending physical effort? So if that's true, then don't I try, at least a little, when I kill someone?"
He was honestly confused by this all, face scrunched up.
Reno giggled. "Did you actually confuse yourself yo?" It made perfect sense to him. He wasn't going to explain it to the poor little Remnant.
Cute when confused.
Drat not that again!
Reno shook his head. "Your thinking about it too much," Kadaj wasn't the first one to ask what the heck he was on about and he wouldn't be the last. The other Turks were so used to his speech that they either ignored what they didn't get, or understood perfectly what he meant. Excpet Elena. She just didn't get it at all. It was funny when Rude was forced to interpret for her. Sometimes he even left her floundering in that angry confusion she winds herself up in.
"I don't understand why I don't understand this..." He titled his head, giving Reno wide, puppy-dog eyes. "Will you explain it to me? I want to understand, and maybe if I get it, I can...change? Stop killing people?"
He stared up at Reno intently, silent for a moment.
"You do want me to not kill people, don't you? You're the one who brought all this up, after all. Well, nobody ever told me why I shouldn't, only why I should." He wondered if his questions would bother the man, but he'd always been the most curious out of his brothers. After all, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back, and dammit, he wanted to be satisfied.
Most people gave up after not understanding the second time around! Man why was he asking him??!! What did he think he could possibly get out of questioning a Turk for the meaning of frickin life?! Did he not understand what his job entailed?? Heck! He was faking it! Sure he believed some of what he was saying but he was working on not being skewered thank you very much? Reno kills, spies, lies, cheats, steals. It's what he does and has known his entire life. How was he gonna lecture someone, tell them, teach them any different when he didn't know any different himself??
Needless to say he was a bit panicked and staring at Kadaj with wide eyes. Perhaps they could learn something from each other after all.
That didn't mean he liked the guy OK?
Rufus had Geostigma. It gave him the motivation to alter the adverse affects to the planet. Cloud had Avalanche, presumably communication with Aerith upon occasion since it was most likely her that sent that rain. The Turks didn't have a reason. They didn't do that stuff anymore simply because they weren't ordered to. There was no need. Perhaps Kadaj needed a reason?
Thank Gaia for fast thinking! He wasn't a Turk for nothing, yo. Please let this work.
"You gotta find a reason. Cloud found a reason worth fighting for, to let go. Boss found a reason to change too - in fact you gave it to him." Reno paused. What else? He so wasn't going to be satified with find a reason, I don't care what, just do it. Um... oh dear...so Reno decided to speak from experience. Why was he taking pity on this killing machine? Now he was confused himself.
"Killing comes easy to you because that's all you know. It's what you were taught and forced to do to survive. Therefore you don't try to kill anyone. You don't force yourself like normal people have to. You just do because you can kill. Therefore you have to find a reason not to. You have to be able to control your own actions now, make your own decisions or you'll never fit in anywhere,"
Hypocrit. Reno felt lost without orders. He's always had them. To this, do that, kill him, elminate her, blow up the device. Countless orders over many many years. Independence on this scale was something he was still getting used to himself.
Kadaj watched it bemusement as mixed emotions ran across Reno's face. What was the redhead thinking, he wondered. He listened intently to the explanation he was offered.
"So...I need a reason not to kill? Does 'I don't want to get my brothers and myself killed again' count? Because it was nice an all in Lifestream, but really boring, too. Aerith had us picking flowers all day," He wondered what was Reno's reason for not killing anyone. After all, weren't the Turks and Shinra one time enemies of Cloud? And now they were all friends, kind of, or at least aquaintances. "What's your reason?"
He liked having all of his questions answered. No one had ever indulged him this way before. The scientists had blatantly ignored him, and Yazoo had answered what he could, being pretty ignorant on most things himself. He didn't even bother asking Loz, lest his eldest brother cry for some strange reason.
Reno frowned. "I think it's supposed to work the other way around," he stated. Weren't you supposed to have a fantastically good reason to kill? Oh well, this was part of a pyscho that tried to rip the world in half. It made sense the reasoning would be twisted.
What? Why did he want to know that? Why was he letting this ... clone....see so much of him when he usually hid? Heck not even Avalanche could get this many answers from him. Not even Cloud who if irritated enough had more than once punched him and threated to beat him up.
No he was not going to tell him yo. Some things he had to keep to himself.
Did he even have a reason? Reno had always thought he never cared either way. Death would happen to everyone in the end - just a little sooner for some people. He enjoyed hurting people for everyone had always hurt him, but killing? If he was ordered to, it was required to survive, was necessary he didn't give a toss. Unneccessary killing bothered him though. He had yet to figure out why when he was someone who did most things to excess.
Reno shook his head. "You don't get it. There isn't a Life Stream to enter anymore. We aren't on Gaia, it's no more. The entire world was swallowed by the Darkness, the Life Stream along with it. You die there, you have a good chance of returning to the planet. You die here or anywhere else? I gotta feeling your gonna rot," Reno wasn't one to sugar coat things unless it was the very rare chat with Marlene. He didn't need Barret coming at him with that gun arm of his.
Kadaj pouted at Reno fiercly. Had he upset the guy somehow? He paused at that thought, tapping himself on the chin in thought.
'Well, being who I am, it's kind of easy to upset people, no?' Still, it was his job to have extremely erratic emotions and spastic moodswings, not Reno's. After all, he couldn't really picture the redhead throwing a tantrum. That was more his own forte. 'I am so spoiled.'
The last thought made him berate himself, as he'd heard his brothers call him that often, but didn't want to believe it. Looking back, though, he had to admit, he was a bit spoiled. He blinked at this new tidbit of information, placing his face in his hands, and offered Reno a smirk.
"Aren't you ex-Turks playing hero with brother? If that's so, should you be so quick to jump to conclusions about your world's fate? I mean, with Cloud, who's saved the world before--and I should know, shouldn't I?--you should at least try to relocate it," He shook his head at Reno, shrugging his shoulders carelessly, laughing under his breath, and made eye contact once more. "I mean, I tried to destroy the blasted thing myself not a year ago, and I'm not so quick to give up on it."
Did he really care whether the world was destroyed? Honestly, he didn't know, but he did know that after watching the people of Gaia from--quite literally--"above," he'd come to see that the people weren't bad. And while they were defenseless and weak--a thing he despised in people--they weren't condemned rats. If nothing else, he wanted them to be okay just so Aerith would be happy--and maybe even for Cloud. He tilted his head at Reno, guaging his reaction.
'Maybe...maybe I'll even care if I hang around this guy long enough.' He snorted, shattering his inner melancholy, and offered Reno another wide smile.
Reno shrugged. "We were killing it too. All we were doing was trying to undo some of the damage we had caused. If we had our way ShinRa would still exist," He paused. "Am I supposed to do this all on my lonesome? The Universe is a vast place you know. It's not like I can afford to go wandering off into the wild blue yonder with no one there to back me up," an admission of guilt was so unlike Reno but everyone believed the state of the planet was their fault - including Rufus himself - that he had gotten used to the idea they were at fault. Didn't mean they didn't want ShinRa to be up and running again though.
Turks worked in pairs. It was necessary.
"Yeah, you had the healing and soothing power of the Life Stream. Nothing seems so bad when you're there," Reno muttered. The Promised Land.
Kadaj was making Reno think about Gaia what in turn was making him remember. Reno recalled the many good times with Rude - the laughing, the drinking; being so drunk that Rude had to take him to the appartment and make sure he didn't smash the place up or something, teasing Elena and taunting Tseng. They were at his bedside when almost dead, recovering and irritable. They were always there through thick and thin. Though his anger about Sector 7 and him trying to cope with the pressure of everything, of that one mission he tried not to think about.
It made Reno sad to think about them when he couldn't find them and had been separated from them for months on end with no sign of getting closer to find them.