There were a lot of conversations happening about Cloud's infamous cross-dressing adventures. I would just like to say that between Aerith and Zack, the poor boy never stood a chance. After all... during most of FF7, Cloud thought he was living Zack's life...
and well...
so yeah, that's Aerith's dress. I think she just has a thing for putting pretty boys in dresses. XD
(not that I blame her...)
I carry a dungeon within me; within me is the chill of winter, the chill of despair; darkness enwraps my soul.
Oh my, I should have known Zacky also had a thing for crossdressing. xD I seriously love Aerith. She was a yaoi fan, too, deep down inside--or at least a fan of crossdressing bishounen.
That Zack looks awesome. lol, I wanna pet his hair. So porcupine~y!
I just checked out Crisis Perverted. It is so hilarious. xDD I love Hojo's almost-mentions of being Sephy's father, and hating the fact that his son is gay. xDD