Your chat thread is mine, I took it away. I strangled it and left it in a dumpster.
Yes who else here hates unsatisfying endings to multi chapter fics?! I HATE THEM *Flails* I just wasted 4 hours reading two different fics that ended way to abruptly. Chapters were written beautifully but both had unsatisifying endings. One Riku/Cloud unrequited Riku/Leon, Leon is left in the dirt while Riku/Cloud remain togther. That's just wrong! Give him someone for crying out loud! Poor Lion!
And the other Was a fairytale happy ending It was a sh!tty ending. Really crappy happy ending to a really dark fic. Made no sense.
I stopped reading fic because it was all AkuRoku, LULZ the Org is all Gay and Larxene sucks/is a lesbian, Cracktastic smut, Dark Angsty Goth AU with drugs and body piercings or weepy OOC romance like Liquid Fire where females apparently don't exist anymore and Zexion has mommy issues. Though I did read some nice canon-based one shots in a kink meme a few months back.. (They wrote Marluxia/Larxene.. I nearly wept with joy.)
Fic tends to irk me though. I've spent three years working on a novel that gets little to no attention but if it were a sappily written popular pairing fic, I'd have a million fangirls. It's irritating for me to realize that if I'd left my novel as a KH fic and made it about Roxas, I'd have a following -_-;
That tends to bother me as well. They don't pay attention to the style of your writing or how good the plot is...all they care about is the pairing. Personally, I won't read a fanfiction if it's horrible. Even if it has my favorite pairing.
Pretty much. I read a beautifully sadistic Axel/Larxene, Marluxia/Larxene and the comments were all "omg no! Axel belongs with Roxas!!! Larxene sucks!!! Put her with Namine, no one likes them!! Poor Axel!!". I felt like punching them because crap like Liquid Fire which is the WORST written fanfic EVER gets praised like it's God sent just because it's all the popular bullsh*t and fanon myths. It's horrid. Zexion is not a tiny emo with mother issues who needs to be lovingly penetrated by Axel, Demyx is not the Organization's slut nor does he want Roxas and Larxene is not happily preggo by Xaldin (Nobodies are not going to give birth to normal human kids ANYHOW), just NO.
I haven't really looked around lately but the pairings I like are "rare" and it's very difficult to find any Org fic with no AkuRoku. I'm actually looking forward to seeing Axel/Xion -ducks thrown objects- and hoping some decent writers embrace the 358/2 days canon (I wish I knew what Demyx was saying about Larxene over and over again..).
I was reading a fic once...there was only one chapter to go and it was a year later, they read the next book and decided their muse had withered to dust and announced they wouldn't continue! ONE FRIGIGN CHAPTER! O_O T_T :O I was devasted. I'd waited a year for that.
It's happened to me too. Another reason why I moved away from fic writing, it's so dependant on someone else's creations, canon and fans. It's real easy to lose the 'muse'.
my muse regularly curls up to die. It does this very suddenly too. Then no matter how many Phoenix Downs I pour upon it, it refuses to rise up again until, usually, months later for about an hour or so if its feeling particularly cruel.
Oh hell, I HATE when people drop fanfictions. I can understand that people have trouble finding inspiration and stuff...or that they lost interest in the 'fandom', but seriously...when you drop a fanfiction (MULTIPLE ONES D:) because you want to write original ones, instead?
;^; You can still manage to write your fanfictions, can't you? *mourns*
What crack were the Liquid Fire writers on? I was in an rp where we actually read that fic to insult our muses. (The girl playing Zexion in that rp said she swore that fic made her want to pull her hair out and weep).
Jantra is usually on crack herself and the other girl generally loves to angst up any character she gets a hold of. I should know she managed to do that to Zack.
@___@ I'm currently watching a video of the Demyx Time panel that happened AFTER the real Demyx Time panel... Vexen's voice and Axel's body. Dear lord. And Xigbar and Demyx's body? XDD I'm laughing so hard. I couldn't breathe a minute ago...
Ken and Jelly~Yay.
On the Midnight Request: Kelly: One day it was like, yeah, this is a really good idea! Then next was I'm lazy. -__-. Damn, how do I go back on this now? Maybe they'll just forget. >.>" xD
-- Edited by Riku on Monday 6th of July 2009 06:42:46 AM
*Flails* No Sephy summoning from the Astral plain, all that reminds me off is f'n crazy chick who thinks she screws Seph in the Astral planes and is losing her f'n mind! *FLAILS MOAR*
F!ck'en eh! Leon wants Canadian coffee, it is best! Because I am Canadian
Opened a new thread with Mallie in Radiant Garden, replied to Vexen's post in Port Royal with Mallie. Christ I am going to be overwhelmed with posts again, ah well.
Admin Stuff!
There is news in the Board Update thread in Good of the People! There is a question pertaining to the Plot thread in Strategy!
ALSO - Should I change the layout (New pic and colors?) Before I advertise again? I'd like to know so please answer.
-- Edited by LionHeart on Monday 6th of July 2009 02:07:39 PM
*falls over dead* So THIS is where everyone went to... that explains so much...
Timmy Ho' Coffee = DELICIOUS. I just wish they had chai like Dunkin' Doughnuts does. Chai = love.
Re: The day off piccy -- that is awesome! I agree with Sephiroth, Mansex must have been busy jacking off to KH. Kinky perv that he is.
I... really need to work on replying to my ONE THREAD. >__> *prods sleeping Sora-muse with her foot* Waaake up~ you bum!
Forgot to comment on the discussion of fanficage - I actually prefer long, multi-chaptered fics for the most part. Lauren (theisraelproject107) is amazing, as is Uzumaki-sama; for AUs, I absolutely ADORE Life on the Blitz (finem), Boys and becoafamu's Erased is very well written (she also makes me snicker, so I'm a bit partial to her writing, even if she DOES write AkuRoku, aka The Borg).
-- Edited by Zexion on Tuesday 7th of July 2009 02:00:34 AM
Together we shall walk the dusty paths until we reach our ends.
Oh really now... sounds painful. Glad I missed that part!
I too like the layout - it's a nice balance of neutral colours. I like neutrals.
Sora would like to comment that he likes bright colours... but we all know he has a horrid sense of colour and fashion. *continues prodding Sora who is now sprawled out like a star fish*
Together we shall walk the dusty paths until we reach our ends.
Zexion would prefer a slightly darker palette given his druthers, but finds the current one more than adequately acceptable.
*snort* He's not far off. Sora's a bit... hrm... chronically cheerful? Neverendingly naive? A little bit of both methinks, along with hopelessly optimistic. Oh, and we can't forget unerringly devoted to Riku and Kairi, but especially Riku.
Together we shall walk the dusty paths until we reach our ends.