(I am going to be NPCing Mallie's Acting Troupe for this. So I will be playing a few different people myself.)
The woman's parasol was still over her shoulder as her head laid to the side regarding the lithe tall Elven blonde male before her. "How long are we staying here Tor'tar?" The Elve shrugged, "As long as Mort wants, though can't be more then two or three days. Come on, please let me show you this world. My parents are living here."
The smile was small but the woman nodded hiding her head beneath the parasol from the harsh Radiant Garden sun. "Alright Tor'tar." "Thanks!" Taking one of her hands in his he gently kissed it.
Two of the men walked past them both and one whistled at Mallie and Tor'tar's interactions. "Pence!" She gave a soft hearted glare at the orange haired human male, his hair thick like a main of curls to his shoulders, freckles dominating sun beaten cheeks. "What? I'm just commenting on what I'm seeing Ty'aro!" She stuck out her tongue childishly at Pence who laughed when he saw it and grinned at her carrying the large traveling case on his shoulder.
The troupe was moving into the hotel here to stay for a few days. They would perform and make some revenue before moving, then do the same thing on another world. It was what they did. Entertained, and moved on.
Mallie finally turned away from the Gummi toward Radiant Garden, her first sight of the town had the Elven woman sighing. The whisper was almost morbid, "What do humans see so beautiful in rock and stone?"
She would never understand them, this place felt barren, her soul cried out for trees and nature. But their was only stone, and more rock in sight. Ah well, she would live, this place was nicer then Traverse Town at the very least. That place sent shivers up her spine.
Tor'tar leading the way she walked with him, green eyes looking about curious.