Going home (Roxas/Nathan)
(Thought I'd be different.) "Okay, how did I end up here?" Roxas took a good look at his surroundings. Tall buildings, pale peach in colour, incased him. The light also told him that it was most probably sunset in this strange world. Humming merrily to himself, he strode around with confid...
Knowing Is Half the Battle
A sharp tension grasped Axel as soon as the Corridor through which he had traveled resolved itself back into nothingness and he tried to close his mind against this unwelcome emotion. It was stupid anyway, he chided himself silently, since he didn't feel emotions -- all part of the mystery and the cha...
A Logical Progression
After concluding that Castle Oblivion was completely and utterly empty, it was simply a logical progression to find Zexion stepping through a Dark Corridor into The World That Never Was. After all, it was the "home" of sorts of Organization XIII, and even though it appeared that Castle O...
Vincent looked around Radiant Garden and decided he fitted in quite well with the crumbling ruins but not the picturesque perfect little houses that were built in strange rows. Vincent himself was old although he didn't look it, he still held the values of 34 years ago when he been....alive. Vincen...
Vincent Valentine
Waking Up Alone: Ramza (Ramza/Nathan)
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--Because I'm lazy, I'm taking it from the roleplay example I posted in my application, but I changed it a little to adapt-- -------------------------------------------- "Oh..." Ramza moaned, waking up on the ground in an alleyway. His large brown eyes took in his surroundings daze...
Insane Heroes
Wilting Rose
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The heating systems had faltered. For some reason his cozy acquired and annoyingly bright Gummi ship had decided to take vengeance upon him and stop that lovely warmth. Luckily he hadn't been too far from Radiant Garden which his systems helpfully told him was previously called Hollow Bastion ye...
Public Enemies