Make certain you have read and Clearly Understand the Rules before applying for a character. If you need assistance or examples of profiles, read Ramza, Zexion and Squall Leonhart profiles and then PM LionHeart (Admin)
Answer These Questions FIRST:
Have you Beaten Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 and Chain of Memories? (State which or All!) Which Final Fantasies Have you Played/Beaten?
Have you read any of the Kingdom Hearts Manga? Character Creation
Sexuality: (As this is a a mature rated board, I would like sexuality. Gay, Straight. Bi)
Path: (What they follow with their heart (Light, Dark, Twilight/Neutral) This is not as easily known by others as Alliance)
Alliance: (What you are known to follow, what you fight for (Light, Dark, Twilight) This could be a front, while your Path could be true)
Home World: (Your home world, Final Fantasy Worlds do exist. Any made up world ASK the Admin)
Weapon or Weapons: (Basic weaponry of your characters)
Powers: (Three of your characters powers. Remember this is not a hack and slash role playing game!)
Any Known Contacts: (Family and friends, if possible three.)
Character Personality: (How your character reactions, their convictions and beliefs. Minimum two paragraphs)
Character History: (Place at least 3 paragraphs of a history here. Your Birth, Your Past Friends, Family, How you got to where you currently are etc. For Canon Characters, NO copying. If I see information has been copied straight from Wikipedia I will reject your Profile. Instantly! Include Final Fantasy background as well as Kingdom Hearts background, your home worlds did exist! Remember the more detail better chance of acceptance.)
Character's Physical Description: (You may place a picture of how your character looks, but you must also write a paragraph on how they look.)
Role-playing Sample: (A Role playing sample to read. May be from a past role play, beginning post or in the middle of. Remember you are trying to impress. You must post at least four full paragraphs. It ALSO must be writing of the Character you are signing Up For. *Note*- Five Sentences per paragraph.)
Email: MSN: AIM:
If you do not believe you can hit these required lengths PM the Admin before applying for a character. If we can come to an understanding before hand their is a much Higher chance of your profile being accepted. If you think I wont accept or will make you edit your profile, I most likely well. PM me. I will be much more understanding if you PM me before posting your profile.
All answers and reasonings must be answered in character. If this is not understood please read the others profiles for examples and ask for assistance.
-- Edited by LionHeart on Tuesday 16th of June 2009 12:29:59 AM